Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Top 10 Smartest Things You Can Do With Your Tax Refund

  1. Not get one at all – The money you loan the government interest-free, could be earning you interest somewhere else.
  2. Pay off/down your debt – The absolutely smartest thing you can do in your life is eliminate your debt.
  3. Build your emergency fund – Hint: Imagine you had 6 months of expenses saved up. Now imagine the economy tanking. How does it feel to be recession-proof?
  4. Grow your nest egg for retirement – Taking your retirement in your own hands instead of relying on social insecurity will make you look like a genius!
  5. Use it to pay 100% down on a reliable used car…if you need one – Buying a good used car can save you lots of money in terms of depreciation and interest.
  6. Prepare it yourself using Turbo Tax – We have NEVER been disappointed with this option. Now you can even do your Federal return for free online. For us – $50 versus WAY TOO MUCH $$ anywhere else. Way worth it!
  7. Give it to someone in need – If your financial situation is solid, why not give it to someone who is struggling if you can?
  8. Use it to help fund your kids college – It will be time for your kids to go to college before you know it. Wouldn’t it be nice to bless them with a nice education without the debt that usually comes with it?
  9. Use it to pay down your mortgage – If you have no debt, except for your mortgage, imagine how nice it would be to owe NO ONE!! Your income is COMPLETELY yours! What a feeling!
  10. Donate a portion of it.

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